Introduction :
The key to every door is sacrifice. – Artist

From time to time I will edit this introduction. My work will serve as a diary.

When you look back on your life, it looks as though it were a plot, but when you are into it, it’s a mess: just one surprise after another. Then, later, you see it was perfect. – Arthur Schopenhauer

“All that is transitory is but a metaphor.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The most incisive description of art is through its definition. So I offer mine.
1. a metaphor in the search for the perfect metaphor.
1. the search for the perfect metaphor.

Art, much like a symbol, functions in two ways, one for engagement where one is bound by the art itself, and simultaneously informed by and protected from the unknown. The other is disengagement where one is transported beyond the art into the unknown.

I consider the primary function of art is to wound by making a hole in denial, to open one to personal possibilities, and allowing that vitality that one possesses to spill out into the world as a healing balm. And once there, recognize that one is the center of the Universe and that the center is everywhere: we are one.

Being an artist is a destination, to be held in place by Eternity’s longing to reveal its secrets.

Those moments spent weaving a past, and a future into the present is the artists’ sacrifice.

“The artist is always engaged in writing a detailed history of the future because he is the only person aware of the nature of the present.” – Wyndham Lewis

While all metaphors yearn to be implemented, only Principles can, resulting in the Muses’, and artists’ unquenchable desire to refresh that metaphor called humanity. Muse and artists remain that unapologetic means of support, even as each fights for dominance over the other. Each sacrificing to the relationship.

Art is not an end in itself, but a means of addressing humanity. – Modest Mussorgsky

Art is an end to a means. – Artist

The art revealed itself, not through my intention, but through the creation of the work, and it soon became apparent that this attempt at finding the perfect metaphor was not to be realized, that only fleeting glimpses of something insubstantial led the way. Nevertheless, I saw what I had created, rather than created what I saw, and I saw that it was good.

The current art, that declares itself, resulted from the Model –  https://rationalmechanisms.com/, in which I aided in the development, and takes the notion that gravity is an opportunity; that all constructs in the Universe, including the Universe itself, are containers within containers.

As the significance of the Model appeared through the artwork I considered ……nature as an end in itself, pulled along by Principle, unfolding before us as we unfold before it; that we are representations of the Divine in the embrace of time, that Eternity and time are not mutually exclusive other than in the context of perspective. That we live in a world of “Opportunity Knocking”.

Art maps, and elevates our understanding of our role in eternity and time, allowing for the realization of new metaphors, and other worlds.

Eventually, art must be logically or aesthetically consistent for the ennoblement of humanity, while also supplying for the transcending of that humanity……that knowledge of the gift of individual participation of the Eternal in the present.

The search for the perfect metaphor is not one for the mind, but one for the heart, for the mind is a secondary organ.  The heart is a fulcrum that guides your trajectory through life, and in your search for that perfect metaphor, you will be found and redeemed.


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